There's two things that you can notice if you were to just watch my children. One is that they are very loving children. The expression "has never met a stranger" is very fitting for my kids. Just step foot in my house and you'll see! They are more than likely to meet you at the door and attack you....and on your way out they will be expecting a hug goodbye. The other thing you would notice is not only their love for people....but especially their love for one another. They are seriously the best of friends. Of course they have their little arguments and fights...but they are the closest siblings I've ever seen. If I go to the store with just a couple of them, they are always so concerned on bringing something back for the other brothers and sisters. It's seriously amazing. When we asked Jovie one day what she wanted for Christmas she said "I want another dream lite". When we asked her what she would possibly do with ANOTHER dream lite because she already had one, her reply was...."I want another dream lite so Kylee can have mine." These things are not things that just happen occasionally at our house, this is simply how they are most of the time.
My wish for them as they grow older is that they continue to stay so loving and caring and keep those great relationships that they have with one another. I'm sure that every parent wants this for their children, but my hope is that I can teach them and show them how important family is. This is my goal and I believe that the best way to know how to love is to BE loved and they definitely are surrounded by that in this house! So I will just sit back, love them, give them my time and attention, and pray for the best as they grow and continue their own lives.