I haven't decided if I'm really as unlucky as it's felt like, or if I'm actually lucky and we're looking at it all the wrong way. Everyone knows the issues that I had with the birth of our 7th child, but things could have been worse. Both of us made it through and he's doing awesome now. That's a huge blessing. Right after I get home I start having van trouble, but once again, it could have been worse. Thank God I had the trouble when we got home and not while we were still in Roanoke. Plus I have awesome friends that are technicians who took good care of us and had us fixed up in no time. Not two weeks after we get home, little Draven gets the flu, his temperature drops, he starts having spells of apnea and we have to call 911 on him. He gets transported back to Roanoke. Thank God we got him an ambulance,...who knows what could have happened had we not got him there fast enough. He was considered hypothermic and his Oxygen saturation was going down a lot. Everyone in our house at this time gets the flu and/or bronchitis. After we get settled back in with Draven at home and I get back to work I have to take Chris to the ER because he has pneumonia. At this point, I feel like I'm at my breaking point and I can take no more. About a week later we have to take him back to the ER because he gets worse. He was close to being admitted and I was close to an emotional breakdown. Come to find out, they gave him half the medication that he should have been on for as bad as his pneumonia really was. Luckily, we find this out before we leave and he doesn't get admitted. The same week we're dealing with his pneumonia we get a huge snow and my van gets stuck very close to a bank. After struggling to get up the hill, I decide to leave it. The next day when my brother comes to jump my van because the battery is dead, he asked me if I realized how close I was to heading off that bank. Thank God I left that van sitting that night instead of trying to get up anymore. I could have flipped right off that bank. After crying because we're going to have to pay to get a tow, my awesome neighbors saved the day and got us out. Soon after this happens, I finally think things are getting better. Things are getting back to normal, everyone is healthy, and I'm enjoying being back to work with a little routine. Then...here we go again....I hit a pole in the Walmart parking lot and total my van. To this day, I'm not sure what my thought process was....I can't see out my window, so instead of stopping until I can see I keep going? I know..I know...not so smart, and trust me, I've beat myself up over it a million times! Okay, so here I am....a week later trying to remind myself that it could have been worse. Thank goodness it was a pole and not a person or even another car! I was hurt, but could have been hurt much worse and could have had to be out of work for a long time with no pay. It is totally inconvenient that I have to purchase another car right now, but the timing could have been even more terrible. What if this would have happened when all this other stuff was going on? It can definitely always be worse.
Someone told me that with everything I've gone through, I'm going to see a big rainbow. But...maybe I already have. All of my family is alive and healthy. That is a blessing in itself! We've definitely gone through the trials lately, but considering what could have been.....the outcomes haven't been so bad. I'm praying though that after everything gets settled with our car situation, our trials can be over for now. The past 3 months have been emotionally draining. I know all things happen for a reason and you never are given more than you can handle...but I feel that my "how much I can handle meter" is about full.
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