Saturday, May 25, 2013

Honesty is the Best Policy

Most everyone that knows me knows that I will tell you that I absolutely love my job. I really do. I love my job and I love my co-workers. I do however, hate some of the reality that I have faced with working retail. I used to be a very trusting person---honestly, probably a little too trusting. In my eyes, everyone meant well, no one lied, and no one was out to deceive you. Unfortunately, I have been proven wrong. It really disturbs me how many dishonest people are out there. I've seen so much theft and dishonesty and it breaks my heart. I've known people to have their children help them steal and watch them steal. It breaks my heart!!! Why in the world would you ever steal to begin with and why would you ever bring your child up to steal? I never realized how many dishonest people are in the world. It makes me sad and it also makes me just angry. I work hard for every dollar I make and the next person is doing everything they can to lie, cheat, and steal. It doesn't seem fair, but I do believe that what goes around, comes around. They will in one way or another have to deal with the consequences.

I'm the kind of person that if a cashier overcharges me and I know it...I give the money back. I accidentally had a .97 sponge under my purse one time at Dollar General and took it back to pay for it. I could NEVER live with my conscience knowing that I took something that I didn't earn or pay for, no matter how big or small it was. I thank my mom for that too. She taught me better. I remember her doing the same thing with a package of hair ties once. She went back and paid for them because she didn't notice and the cashier didn't notice that they were sitting on the inside of her buggy when she walked out. I hate the reality of knowing that people aren't as trusting as I once thought. Instead of trusting every person that I come in contact with, I've turned into the person that is skeptical of every person I come in contact with. All I can tell you is my children are going to know the good values and morals that I was taught growing up. They will know you work for what you want and you are always honest. I don't care what anyone else thinks, I still truly believe that honesty is the best policy.

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